Monday, December 2, 2013

The Great Makeup DEBATES!
Let me start by saying, first of all that the purpose of makeup is to enhance one's inner beauty. This not to say that makeup should make you look like someone you are not. If you have a feature you want to highlight like your lips then you could use makeup to play that feature up. Maybe its your eyes throw on a nice shadow that compliments your eye color, a liner to make your eyes pop and a great mascara and you are ready to go!!! Women wear makeup because it makes them feel good about themselves.

I've noticed much debate over these topics in the last few months...

Do men prefer women with or without makeup?

I personally think most men appreciate that extra attention. They love the fact that we took the time to prime ourselves. They like it subtle, sexy, sophisticated, natural, not overly made up. However they do appreciate our attention to the details...right down to the small ones. The most important thing is how you feel your makeup should be and it should enhance your natural beauty. 
 First you have to learn to  LOVE & APPRECIATE YOU. What is it do you love about yourself and draw from there. You shouldn't look like you  had a box of crayola explode all over your face. The goddess that's inside you should be staring back at you. 
Don't get me wrong I LOVE dramatic makeup, but I know when to tone it down. At the end of the day...your natural beauty will always shine from within and you can always face that goddess.

It's Contradictory to have Natural Hair and wear makeup? 
I will just say that you are a woman, natural or fake if putting on some lip gloss, lashes, weaves, contacts, whatever creams your Twinkies do it. Ladies go natural for all different reasons. Some of us it's about embracing our hair and not conforming and chemically altering it to please other people. Message here,  do what makes you happy. If putting on makeup makes you happy, then have fun be creative and be merry.

When should my daughter start to wear makeup?

I have mom's who ask  can I do their 10 year old daughters makeup or they are buying hundreds  of dollars worth of makeup and not one bottle of skin care. As a makeup artist and a mother of 3 girls, I much rather we teach our girls first of all how to properly care for their skin. If your skin is healthy and clear then they wouldn't feel the need to mask it.
Makeup doesn't fix whats wrong on the inside. If your daughter has severe acne- makeup won't treat it, just merely covers it up. Teach our girls the importance of a good healthy diet,  exercise and proper skin care for healthy, clear skin. When the time allow for her to wear makeup, she'll know how to properly apply it. Anyone 15 years old should not have their makeup applied in the same fashion as a 30 year old woman. Nor should anyone girl under the age of 15 years old should not have any makeup applied to their gentle, young tender skin. Teaching our girls that if and when you wear makeup...that less is more. Allow them to be little girls before dressing and painting them as grown women before their time.

My 14 year old, and she is learning skin care and how to apply makeup without over doing it. Other than that, lip gloss and nail polish is her thing. I'm not telling anyone how to raise their kids, but just a few words of caution when it comes to makeup. Help her to love herself unconditionally, unselfishly, apologetically. Knowing that makeup is only an enhancer to enhance her natural god given beauty. Moms it's our jobs to teach and guide them.

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